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Receive your parcels easily with MyPup

It doesn’t matter what you want to order or through which website; with MyPup, delivery is made simple.

From now on you can have all your ordered items delivered to the MyPup Pick Up Point and your parcel frustrations are a thing of the past.

Our courier delivers your parcel into the parcel locker. You can pick up your parcel whenever suits you best. It is also possible to transfer an item to your neighbours through MyPup!

Activate your account for free

How does it work?

1 | Order

When you order something online, you use your unique code and address details. 

2 | Delivery

Every afternoon, our driver delivers your parcel(s) to the MyPup parcel lockers, which are located in the Parcel Room behind the concierge desk. All parcels are delivered in one go.

3 | Collect

You will immediately be informed that your parcel has been delivered. With a unique SMS-code or through the MyPup app you can open your locker whenever suits you, 24/7. Please use your access fob to gain access to the Parcel Room.


24/7 Pick-up

Never miss a delivery

Order anywhere

Receive packages from any online shop or courier service

Safely stored

Your packages are safely stored in the MyPup lockers in the Parcel Room.

Less couriers

Our trusted delivery driver comes once a day to deliver all parcels.

Less CO2

Together, we contribute to cleaner and safer cities, and a reduction in CO2 emissions.

For information, see our MyPup users page

Is something not clear?

Have a look at our support section, chat with us or send us a message.

Activate your account for free, or scan the QR-code to download the MyPup app

MyPup app QR Code
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